Awe yes, an all-American white fence, tall silo & a big red barn…the perfect picture of our rural farm. But what happens when fire, lightning, hail, explosion, vandalism or a huge sink hole destroys the scene? You call one of our agents because a farm policy from The Home Agency can help compensate for damage done to farm personal property.
What about protection for your livestock investment within those fences? It is covered for BROAD Covered Causes like falling objects, weight of ice, electrocution, and attack by dogs or wild animals, accidental shooting of livestock, drowning of livestock, flood loss to livestock or collision causing death of livestock.
Furthermore, a farm wouldn’t be complete without machinery. Coverage on farm machinery and equipment and portable irrigation equipment is covered for SPECIAL Covered Causes of Loss. These items are also covered for loss or damage caused by Flood or Earthquake.
All of the above are Farm Property Coverage in the Base Policy Property Causes of Loss part of a Farm Insurance policy. Optional Causes of Loss are also available. Our Property and Casualty agents are ready for your call to tell you more about the coverage you may need. Contact us today at 800-245-4241 or send us a message through the Contact Us Form.